Good for Your Health

When it comes to our bodies and well-being, water has many wonderful properties. You will have often heard how important it is to drink regularly, as water allows our bodies to utilise foodstuffs and flush out toxins. It stimulates the circulation and helps towards a radiant complexion. You should enjoy around eight glasses of BlueFresh filtered water every day!

The skin is the body's largest organ and to keep it looking healthy, clear and youthful it is vital to drink plenty of pure, uncontaminated water. Skin helps us to breathe, regulates our body temperature and represents the way we feel. Dehydration will manifest itself in a dull complexion, dry skin, dark circles around the eyes and through spots, blemishes and skin problems that occur when the body does not flush out toxins effectively.

Drink pure water to keep hydrated. Research has found that drinking water can improve mental performance, prevent lethargy and keep headaches at bay.

Drinking pure water instead of alcohol, tea and coffee all the time could help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart problems.

Blood carries water and oxygen to the muscles. Research shows that water consumption during activity increases endurance and helps keeps muscles relaxed. Drinking pure water before and during exercise will keep the body hydrated and help prevent muscle cramps.